Lit holiday tree with toy soldier in the center
Lit holiday tree with a set of two toy soldiers on both sides of the tree
Shadow Lake Towne Center outdoor fireplace with holiday tree in background and lights and toy soldier in foreground
Evening at Shadow Lake Towne Center with lit holiday tree flanked by toy soldiers and a small child staring at it in wonder
New this year- Circus Arts Performers! This included fire and pin jugglers and a hoop walker.
Juggler with lit pins
New this year-Fireworks!
Fireworks with white, yellow and orange dandelion explosion
Fireworks with white, yellow and orange dandelion explosion and additional orange smaller explosion on top
This is the first time I have seen these!
Fireworks with white, tufted ball shaped explosions
Fireworks with white, yellow and orange Ferris wheel shaped explosion
Fireworks with white, yellow and orange mum shaped explosion
Fireworks with white, yellow and orange mum shaped explosion with intersecting “petals”