Author Archives: papillionbusinesses

About papillionbusinesses is a project of Little Mountain Web Design. It is dedicated to telling the events and stories of Papillion, Nebraska. We cover topics primarily of interest to the Papillion area and its businesses. To help businesses reach the local Papillion area, we have different types of advertising available. This includes page, banner and icon advertising. All of this geared to reaching the Papillion market in Nebraska. Please contact us to pitch a store, ask questions. and for details at to learn more about reaching the Papillion market.

Papillion Event: Lion Dance at Golden Apple Buffet!

Thank you Golden Apple Buffet for a great time and food!

Please enjoy these pictures!

Restaurant guests at Golden Apple Buffet begin to notice that the yellow lion has entered

First in is the yellow lion! Can you find him?

Enter the red dragon to the buffet!

The red dragon looks hungry! 

White and green lion walks by one of the amazing buffet tables at Golden Apple Buffet

The green lion looks hungry!

Character dressed in red pauses for onlookers to take pictures

God of Fortune joins in with a coin on his hat

Red dragon with mouth open flies over buffet table

Blue lion holds red scroll with gold letters, “Happy New Year”

Happy New Year!
Xīn Nián Kuai Lè!
Gong hei fat choy!

Happy Year of the Snake!

Golden Apple Buffet
9614 S 71st Plaza #111
Papillion, NE 68133
(402) 884-0885


Papillion News: Gu Gu Ramen, a New Papillion Restaurant

A new ramen restaurant is coming to Papillion, Gu Gu Ramen!

This will be another Papillion restaurant by Dong Sheng and located next to his exisitng restaurant, Golden Apple Buffet!

I can’t wait!

See our first mention of thie new restaurant here:

Visit back for more stories of Papillion and ths new restaurant!